## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_TITLE_MAIN ; Main MSG_TITLE_NODELIST ; NodeList MSG_TITLE_INBOUND ; Inbound MSG_TITLE_CONFIGURATION ; Configuration MSG_MENU_PROJECT ; Project MSG_MENU_PROJECT_ABOUT ; About... MSG_MENU_PROJECT_ABOUT_KEY MSG_MENU_PROJECT_QUIT ; Quit MSG_MENU_PROJECT_QUIT_KEY MSG_TEXT_ABOUT ; \033cEasyFR v2.0\n 1994, Angelo Vizzarro\n 1995, Francesco Dipietromaria\n\nAn utility for File Request\n\nFrancesco Dipietromaria\nv. Genovesi, 15\n10128, Torino - Italia\n\nFidonet: 2:334/21.26\nAmynet: 39:101/402.26\nUucp: dpm@pmn.it\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\nEasyFR is a MUI application\nMUI is Stefan Stuntz MSG_TEXT_SHAREWARE ; \033cThis is a Shareware program! MSG_APP_DESCRIPTION ; File Request Manager MSG_APP_FIRST_RUN ; \033cCannot find configuration file.\nPlease configure EasyFR. MSG_INBOUND_FILENAME ; FileName MSG_INBOUND_BYTES ; Bytes MSG_INBOUND_DATE ; \033cDate MSG_INBOUND_COMMENT ; Filenote MSG_WINDOW_TITLE_COMMENT ; Edit Filenote... MSG_HELP_SEARCH_STRING ; Searching the string, wait please... MSG_SEARCH_NO_INPUT_STRING ; Enter string to search for! MSG_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND ; String not found. MSG_SEARCH_LIST_EMPTY ; List empty! MSG_CALLNODE_LIST_EMPTY ; REQ-LIST EMPTY: No files requested! MSG_CALLNODE_CALLING ; Calling Node, wait please... MSG_CALLNODE_TRAPDOOR_NO_RUN ; Error: Cannot run the mailer! MSG_CALLNODE_REQFILE_DUPLICATE ; WARNING: There are one or more duplicate into reqfile! MSG_CALLNODE_NO_ADDRESS ; Call What? No Node Address specified! MSG_NODE_NOT_DEFINED ; Node not found in nodelist! MSG_FILELIST_READING ; Reading FileList, please wait... MSG_FILELIST_NOT_FOUND ; FileList\n(%s)\nnot found on disk! MSG_NOLOCK_FILELIST ; Could not lock filelist MSG_FREQFILE_READING ; Loading Req-file, wait please... MSG_FREQFILE_NO_ADDRESS ; You MUST specify the Node Address! MSG_INBOUND_READING ; Reading INBOUND, wait please... MSG_INBOUND_LOCK_ERROR ; Error: Can't Lock INBOUND directory MSG_INBOUND_ALLOC_ERROR ; Error: Can't Allocate memory for ExAll() MSG_INBOUND_TOTAL_FILES ; \033c\033bTotal Files :\033n %-5ld MSG_COMMENT_HELP ; View/Edit Filenote... MSG_NODE_SYNTAX_ERROR ; Syntax Error on Node Address! MSG_ARC_LIST_NOT_CONFIGURED ; Arc List command not configured! MSG_ARC_EXTRACT_NOT_CONFIGURED ; Arc Extract command not configured! MSG_ARC_NO_VALID_ARCTYPE ; No valid arc-file type! MSG_ARC_LISTING ; Listing archive... MSG_ARC_EXTRACTING ; Extracting archive... MSG_CONFIGURATION_LOADING ; Loading Configuration, wait please... MSG_CONFIGURATION_SAVING ; Saving Configuration, wait please... MSG_CONFIGURATION_NOT_VALID ; Invalid Configuration file! MSG_CONFIGURATION_OUTOFMEM ; Loading Configuration... Out Of Memory! :( MSG_CONFIGURATION_SAVE_ERROR ; Error: Can't save configuration! MSG_WAIT ; Wait... MSG_TODO_FOR_EDIT ; You have to select the line you want to edit. MSG_TODO_FOR_REMOVE ; You have to select the line you want to remove. MSG_FREQ_DELETE_BT ; Delete all|Keep MSG_FREQ_NOT_EMPTY ; FReq list contains %ld entries.\nAre you sure you want to delete them all? MSG_EMPTY_FREQ_LIST ; List is empty! MSG_STILL_EDIT ; You are in edit mode; end it before start with other action! MSG_TODO_FOR_LIST ; First select a line, then you can proceed with listing. MSG_TODO_FOR_EXTRACT ; First select a line, then you can proceed with extracting. MSG_MAIN_NODE_LAB ; Node MSG_MAIN_CALLNODE_BT ; Call Node... MSG_MAIN_SYSTEM_LAB ; System MSG_MAIN_LOCATION_LAB ; Location MSG_MAIN_SYSOP_LAB ; SysOp MSG_MAIN_PHONE_LAB ; Phone MSG_MAIN_ADDFREQ_BT ; Add MSG_MAIN_EDITFREQ_BT ; Edit MSG_MAIN_REMOVEFREQ_BT ; Remove MSG_MAIN_DELETEFREQ_BT ; Delete all MSG_MAIN_AUTOSEARCH_TO ; Auto Search MSG_MAIN_FILELIST_LAB ; FileList MSG_MAIN_PICKFLIST_LAB ; Choose a FileList... MSG_MAIN_SEARCH_LAB ; Search... MSG_MAIN_PREV_LAB ; Prev. MSG_MAIN_NEXT_LAB ; Next MSG_NODELIST_ADD_BT ; Add MSG_NODELIST_REMOVE_BT ; Remove MSG_NODELIST_NODE_LAB ; Node MSG_NODELIST_SYSTEM_LAB ; System MSG_NODELIST_LOCATION_LAB ; Location MSG_NODELIST_SYSOP_LAB ; SysOp MSG_NODELIST_PHONE_LAB ; Phone MSG_NODELIST_FLAGS_LAB ; Flags MSG_NODELIST_BRATE_LAB ; Baud Rate MSG_NODELIST_NODE_NUM_LAB ; Node number MSG_INBOUND_TITLE ; List INBOUND MSG_INBOUND_REREAD ; Rescan INBOUND MSG_INBOUND_ARC_LIST ; Lha List MSG_INBOUND_ARC_EXTRACT ; Lha Extract MSG_INBOUND_SORT_BY_NAME ; Sort by Name MSG_INBOUND_SORT_BY_DATE ; Sort by Date MSG_INBOUND_SET_COMMENT ; Set Filenote MSG_INBOUND_COULD_NOT_OPEN_TEMP ; Error: Could not open Temp file!!! MSG_CONFIG_FILELIST ; FileLists MSG_CONFIG_ASS_RADIO0 ; Clear at node change MSG_CONFIG_ASS_RADIO1 ; Take the same MSG_CONFIG_ASS_RADIO2 ; Node Association MSG_CONFIG_CMD_TRAPDOOR ; Command for Download MSG_CONFIG_CMD_LHA_LIST ; LHA command for listing MSG_CONFIG_CMD_LHA_EXTRACT ; LHA command for extracting MSG_DOUBLE_START ; EasyFR is already running! MSG_CONFIG_PATH_INBOUND ; Inbound path MSG_CONFIG_ASLDIR_PATH_INBOUND ; Select Inbound path... MSG_CONFIG_PATH_OUTBOUND ; Outbound path MSG_CONFIG_ASLDIR_PATH_OUTBOUND ; Select Outbound path... MSG_CONFIG_PATH_NODELIST ; Nodelist path MSG_CONFIG_ASLDIR_PATH_NODELIST ; Select Nodelist path... MSG_CONFIG_PATH_WORK ; Work path MSG_CONFIG_ASLDIR_PATH_WORK ; Select work path... MSG_UNREGISTERED ; \033cYou are using an unregistered\nevaluation copy of EasyFR 2.0\n\nYou can use this program for 3 weeks.\nThen you must register.\n\nSee `How to register' in the\ndocumentation. MSG_UNREG_VERSION ; ** Unregistered evaluation version ** MSG_PLEASE_REG ; Please, consider registering. MSG_REG_VERSION ; Copy registered to: MSG_TLERR_NO_WRITE_EXTRA ; Couldn't write in file fidonet.extra! MSG_TLERR_NO_OPEN_EXTRA ; Couldn't open file fidonet.extra! MSG_TLERR_TL_NOT_AVAILABLE ; Traplist.library is not available! MSG_TLERR_ADDR_NOT_VALID ; Address not valid! MSG_TLERR_ADDR_NOT_FOUND ; Address not in Nodelist! MSG_TL_UNPUBLISHED ; -Unpublished- MSG_XPK_FOUND ; Using `xpkmaster.library' MSG_XPK_NOTFOUND ; `xpkmaster.library' not found!! MSG_XPK_FILELIST_READING ; Reading compressed FileList, please wait... MSG_XPK_UNREG_SHORT ; \33cRegistered user need less memory\nand use a faster procedure to\nread and uncompress filelists.\n\nRead documentation for more info. MSG_XPK_NOTENOUGH_MEM ; Not enought memory to uncompress filelist! MSG_XPKERR_CHECKSUM ; XPK check sum test failed: filelist is corrupted! MSG_XPKERR_VERSION ; Packed file's version newer\nthan compression library! MSG_XPKERR_NEEDPASSWD ; EasyFR 2.0 do not support encryption! MSG_XPKERR_CORRUPTPKD ; Packed file is corrupt MSG_XPKERR_MISSINGLIB ; Required packer library is missing MSG_XPKERR_WRONGCPU ; Better CPU required for this packer library MSG_XPKERR_UNKNOWN ; XPK unknow error: %ld